Pediatric Orthopedics

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Pediatric Orthopedics por Mind Map: Pediatric Orthopedics

1. pediatric bones

1.1. Growth plates:

1.1.1. ossification center

1.1.2. Germinal matrix

1.1.3. zone of hypertrophy

1.1.4. zone of calcification

1.1.5. zone of ossification

1.2. higher remodeling potential

1.3. increased vasculature

1.4. periosteum strongest element

1.5. growth plate weakest element

1.6. higher risk of diskitis & hematogenous osteomyelitis

2. Fx principles

2.1. peds 10-12 degrees/year remodeling (1 degree/month)

2.2. remodeling best NEAR EPIPHYSIS

2.3. ROTATIONAL DEFORMITIES MUST be corrected in a child

2.4. deformities not in the plane of motion of joint need corrected

2.5. Salter Harris Fx are more common than ligament injuries. (capsules & ligaments are extensions of periosteum)

2.6. tenderness over growth plate most likely = Fx

2.7. neurovascular injury more common w/ metaphyseal Fx & dislocations

2.8. don't attempt mult. manipulations around condyles in fingers to avoid blood flow disruption

3. Fx special to kids

3.1. Salter Harris-Fx involving growth plate

3.1.1. 1=S=same

3.1.2. 2=A=above most common

3.1.3. 3=L=lower

3.1.4. 4=T=through

3.1.5. 5=E/R=even/really bad

3.2. Torus-aka buckle Fx; bone fails under compression=fall

3.3. Greenstick-1 cortices Fx w/ convex deformity opposite (tensile failure of bone)

3.4. Toddler Fx-spiral Fx of tibia

4. 1 point each for focal tenderness, swelling, SEATED PRESS TEST. 3 POINTS= >90% predictive value for Fx. 0pts=100% predictive no Fx

5. "I don't see a Fx"

5.1. bone marrow edema=bone bruise

5.2. Salter 1 Fx

5.3. Sprains (age dependent)

6. Volkmann's Ischemic Contracture/ compartment sydrome

6.1. permanent injury to hand, wrist or fingers as a result of proximal based neurovasculare injury

6.2. Associated w/ supracondylar humerus Fx, crush injuries & burns

6.3. Vascular injury associated w/ 0.3-3% in long bone Fx

6.4. Constricting dressings/casts

7. osteochondritis dissecans

7.1. avascular necrosis of subchondral bone

7.2. knee most common(75%)

7.2.1. 85% of knee OCD on lateral surface of medial femoral condyle

7.3. Talar dome, elbow additional joints affected

8. Tarsal Coalition

8.1. pathologic connection b/w 2 or > tarsal bones

8.2. ADOLESCENT YEARS:flexible cartilage connection begins to ossify

8.3. embryonic in origin

8.4. 50% bilateral

8.5. 1% of pop.

8.6. gradual onset, uneven ground painful

8.7. Calcaneonavicular &talocalcaneal most common

9. Scoliosis

9.1. FEMALES > males

9.2. curves tend to progress more during growth spurts

9.3. curves < 30 degrees tend not to progress @ skeletal maturity

9.4. Tx: PT, bracing, Electrical stimulation, surgery

10. Legg-Calve'-Perthes Dx

10.1. AVN of femoral head (ossific nucleus)

10.2. 4-8 y/o Males 4:1 (10% bilat)


10.4. 3 Stages

10.4.1. I.synovitis/early ischemia

10.4.2. II. fragmentation/regen. stage

10.4.3. III. Re-ossification & healing after 1 year

10.5. loss of hip ROM, limp & limb length diff.

10.6. self limited (necrotic bone absorbed & replaced by normal bone)

10.7. x-rays: crescent sign-fragmentation of femoral head, widening of medial joint space

11. Transient synovitis (irritable hip)

11.1. unknown cause/ viral infection?

11.2. most common cause of hip pain in kids < 10; can occur @ any age

11.3. may follow traumatic event or URI

11.4. may have mild fever & elevated WBC

11.5. Limp pain to inner thigh & knee common

11.6. slight flexion/abduction/ER of hip is position of comfort

11.7. restricted ROM (flex/abduction)

11.8. 1/3 infected hips have normal temp, SED, WBC count

11.9. US for fluid if + joint aspiration

11.10. indication for arthrocentesis:

11.10.1. fever

11.10.2. non weight bearing

11.10.3. previous recent health care visit

11.10.4. serum WBC> 12,000

11.10.5. CRP/SED elevated

12. Ped back pain

12.1. diskitis, spondylothesis, scoliosis, pars intra-articularis fx, Scheurmanns kyphosis, tethered cord, syringomyelia, neoplasm, bulged disc, pyelonephritis

12.2. RED FLAGS!!! fever, night pain, increasing pain, weight loss, neurogenic or bowel bladder changes

13. Fx in children

13.1. Fx more common in kids

13.2. bone strength increases w/ growth

13.3. non union very uncommon

13.4. Fx heal quicker

13.5. Fx uncommon < 3

13.5.1. plastic modularity of bone

13.5.2. self limiting energy load

14. Distal radius Fx

14.1. Colles Fx

14.1.1. DORSAL ANGULATION of distal radius

14.2. Smiths Fx

14.2.1. VOLAR ANGULATION of distal radius

14.3. neurovascular tension

14.4. tendon rupture, ligament injuries, ischemic contractures

15. "is that normal?"


15.2. get a contralateral view (comparison)

15.3. Get a CT scan

15.4. Get an MRI

16. Peds overuse injuries

16.1. Apophysitis

16.1.1. Osgood-Schlatter's dx(tibial tubercle) Tibial tubercle 10-15 y/o male 3:1 bilateral in 25% swelling & fragmentation of tuberosity, widening of apophysis on x-ray pitfalls:neoplasm, avulsion of tib tubercle, frag mistaken for loose body

16.1.2. Sinding-Larsen-Johansson(patella) involves inferior pole of patella 10-14 y/o x-ray shows frag. of lower pole of patella chronic traction of cartilaginous junction from either quad tendon or patellar tendon JUMPERS KNEE

16.1.3. Severs dx(Calcaneal apophysitis)

16.1.4. def: inflammation of secondary ossification center

16.2. osteochondrosis

16.2.1. Scheuermann's dx(spine)

16.2.2. Blount dx(proximal tibia) abnorm. medial proximal tibia Tibia vara (osteochondrosis deformans tibiae) growth disturbance of medial tibial epiphysis cause-uncertain but, early walking, obesity have higher occurrence TWO DISTINCT DEFORMITIES OF TIBIA I.Tibia vara II.internal tibial torsion

16.2.3. Bipartite patella

16.2.4. def:injury or inflammation to bone involving epiphysis of bone

16.3. premature closure of growth plates

16.4. capital femoral growth plate extension

17. Enthesitis

17.1. inflammation of bone-tendon bone insertion

17.2. not that common in peds. MATURE BONE consider diff of seronegative spondyloarthropathy w/ pain consistent w/ achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis

18. Talipes Equinovarus "club foot"

18.1. most common ortho congenital anomaly, 1:1000 males 2:1

18.2. congenital or teratologic

18.3. tx=serial casting-ped orthosurgeon (surg. release if other Tx fails)

18.4. congenital

18.4.1. idiopathic

18.4.2. meningocele

18.4.3. myelomeninogcele

18.4.4. abnormal muscle insertions

18.4.5. tarsal anomalies

18.5. Acquired

18.5.1. polio

18.5.2. cerebral palsy

18.5.3. sciatic nerve injury

18.5.4. vascular compromise

18.5.5. intrauterine molding

19. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

19.1. weakening of epiphyseal plate in femur=results in upward & anterior displacement of femoral neck

19.2. 11-16 y/o (rare under 8)

19.3. short/obese slow onset puberty

19.4. slender tall rapidly growing boy

19.5. 40-50% bilat involvement

19.6. grad onset, PAINFUL LIMP, tenderness, referred pain to thigh & knee, ROM limited

19.7. x-rays: early widening of physis w/ joint swelling

20. septic arthritis

20.1. Hip #1

20.2. viral

20.3. Bacterial=ortho emergency

20.4. moderate joint pain, systemic illness, ROM limitation w/ severe pain

20.5. x-ray, joint aspiration. US/MRI

21. Congenital Dysplasia of Hip

21.1. Females 9:1

21.2. often bilat

21.3. breech deliveries

21.4. often associated w/ club foot/toricollis

21.5. inadequate coverage of femoral head from subluxation/shallow or vertical acetablulum

21.6. Ortolani Test

21.7. Barlow's Test

22. non accidental "abuse"

22.1. 80% occur before age 2

22.2. > 1 Fx w/ different appearance

22.3. sub-periosteal bleeding caused by punching, squeezing, or shaking

22.4. small Fx @ corner of metaphysis of long bones (forceful downward pulling)

22.5. Posterior rib Fx close to spine (violent shaking)

22.6. pelvis, sternum, transverse vertebral Fx suspicious for abuse

23. Bone Tumors

23.1. Enchondromas-benign, central

23.2. Osteochondromas

23.3. Osteoid Osteoma-diaphyseal, cortical night pain RELIEVED W/ ASPIRIN

23.4. unicameral bone cyst

23.5. aneurysmal bone cyst

23.6. Ewing Sarcoma-malignant, diaphyseal

24. Osteogenis imperfecta

24.1. genetic disorder of collagen deficiency resulting in fragility of bone

24.2. Sclerotic bands

24.3. thin cortises

24.4. osteopenic bone

24.5. plastic deformation

24.6. Bailey's Rod/OI