Community Psychology

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Community Psychology por Mind Map: Community Psychology

1. Community values

1.1. health and wellbeing

1.1.1. prevention of mental and physical health problems

1.1.2. proactive - prevention better than cure

1.2. care and compassion

1.2.1. concern for wellbeing

1.2.2. encouraging social support

1.2.3. cultivation of a sense of community, helping one another

1.3. self determination and participation

1.3.1. empowerment

1.3.2. active participation

1.3.3. modifying structural conditions to move power around

1.3.4. gaining back personal control

1.4. Respect for Diversity and Dignity

1.4.1. respect for differences

1.4.2. no single right way for living

1.4.3. different perspectives are welcome

1.4.4. everyone has a voice

1.5. Social justice

1.5.1. fair and equal distribution of power, resources and responsiblities

1.5.2. mutual accountability

1.5.3. eliminating inequality, oppression and discrimmination

1.5.4. transforming institutions and unjust practices

2. Defining Community Psychology

2.1. social relevance

2.1.1. deals with issues people experience

2.2. ecological nature

2.2.1. studies the fit between people and their context

2.3. multilevel perspective

2.3.1. systemic approach `(bron) -behaviour is influenced by many levels of interactions

2.4. promotion of wellbeing

2.4.1. Health promotion,

2.4.2. postitive psy practices

2.5. focus on diversity

2.5.1. accepts diversity of people and respects their rights. Differences are not seen as a threat

2.6. democratic participation

2.6.1. building relationships with and between people. Focus is on collaboration and partnership

2.6.2. empowerment

3. Defining Community

3.1. Location/geography

3.1.1. people may settle in a given area.

3.2. network

3.2.1. share values, interests characteristics, sense of community, Fulfillment of needs, shared emotional connection

3.3. ecomonics

3.3.1. structural arrangements to live and survive as a group

3.4. Culture

3.4.1. shared ways of thinking, feeling and behaving

3.5. Social

3.5.1. interactive relationships

3.5.2. membership

3.5.3. shared emotional connection

3.5.4. fulfillment of needs

3.6. sociopolitical

3.6.1. reflects political history

3.6.2. beliefs of people

3.6.3. promotes causes

3.6.4. influences decisions

3.7. socially constructed

3.7.1. created through interactions, evolving

3.7.2. influence by individual and collective history