OSEA Malibu: Providing the best skincare with the highest quality ingredients

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OSEA Malibu: Providing the best skincare with the highest quality ingredients por Mind Map: OSEA Malibu: Providing the best skincare with the highest quality ingredients

1. Brand Ideas/Questions

1.1. From the Earth

1.2. New social media marketing strategy

1.3. How to market a luxury brand to a younger generation

1.4. More advocacy

1.5. Creating a skincare line in an affordable price range

2. Feelings

2.1. Aspirational

2.2. Hope

2.3. Confidence

2.4. Wanting

3. Personality

3.1. Mature

3.2. Conscious

3.3. Holistic

3.4. Strong Values

4. Descriptive Words

4.1. Minimalist

4.2. Mature

4.3. Clean

4.4. Beautiful

4.5. Natural

4.6. Luxurious