Vocal system

Clasifiacion de los vaolres basada en el material compartido en canvas.

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Vocal system por Mind Map: Vocal system

1. Bilabial

1.1. /p/ as in “purse” and “rap“ /b/ as in “back” and “cab“ /m/ as in “mad” and “clam“

2. Palatal

2.1. /j/ as in “yes” and “bayou”

3. Post Alveolar

3.1. /ʃ/ as in “shot” or “brash” /ʒ/ as in “vision” or “measure” /tʃ/ as in “chick” or “match” /dʒ/ as in “jam” or “badge“

4. Labiodental

4.1. /f/ as in “fro” and “calf“ /v/ as in “vine” and “have”

5. Dental

5.1. /θ/ as is “thick” and “bath“ /ð/ as in “the” and “rather”

6. Alveolar

6.1. /n/ as in “no” and “man“ /t/ as in “tab” and “rat“ /d/ as in “dip” and “bad“ /s/ as in “suit” and “bus“ /z/ as in “zit” and “jazz“ /l/ as in “luck” and “fully”

7. Nasal

7.1. /m/ – “mad” and “clam” – oral passage is blocked by closing the lips (bilabial). /n/ – “no” and “man‘ – oral passage is blocked by pressing tongue tip against the alveolar ridge (alveolar). /ŋ/ – “going” and “funk” – Oral passage is blocked by pressing the back of your tongue against the soft palate (velar).

8. Glotal

8.1. /h/ and /ʔ/

9. Velar

9.1. /k/ as in “kite” and “back“ /g/ as in “good” and “bug“ /w/ as in “wet” and “howard”