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BEAST por Mind Map: BEAST

1. sec tests

2. Orchestration

3. Configuration Management

4. Discovery

5. Load balance

5.1. Server side

5.2. Client side

6. Implementation

6.1. Software Organization

6.1.1. Tiering/package organization

6.1.2. Repository organization

6.1.3. Branching strategy

6.2. Feature flags

6.3. Exception Handling

6.3.1. Internal impacts

6.3.2. Intra-services impacts

6.4. Quality

6.4.1. Test Coverage

6.4.2. Style checks

6.4.3. Security checks

6.5. Golden image templates

6.5.1. Data layer services with REST IPC

6.5.2. Business layer services with REST IPC

6.5.3. Worker nodes

6.5.4. Common utility services

6.5.5. Statistical query services

6.5.6. Knowledge Engineering nodes

6.6. Interprocess communication

6.6.1. Client/Server compatibility

6.6.2. Synchronous communication

6.6.3. Async communication

7. Authentication

7.1. U2S

7.2. S2S

8. API Gateway

8.1. Common header injection

9. Network resilience

9.1. Timeouts/Retries

9.2. Fault tolerance

9.2.1. Circuit Breaking

9.3. Latency

9.4. Rate limiting

10. Observability

10.1. APM

10.1.1. Log Aggregation

10.1.2. Distributed Tracing

10.1.3. Exception Tracking

11. Continuous Integration

11.1. Build tools

11.2. Unit tests

11.3. Test coverage

11.4. Static security analysis

11.5. Code quality checks

12. Continuous Delivery/Deployment

12.1. What environments?

12.2. Deploy tool

12.3. UI regression tests

12.4. Performance tests

13. Integration with On-Premises

13.1. Integration with DBs

13.2. Integration with Services

13.3. Integration with Storage