Urban IT Services

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Urban IT Services por Mind Map: Urban IT Services

1. Address: 2 Southbank Blvd Southbank Melbourne, VIC 3006 Australia Phone: 1300 477 814 Email: [email protected] IT Support appears in many different forms, we can give you lots of different IT support options seeing to it your business is running smoothly. Our experts have a dedicated support line and ticketing system and can travel in order to fix your issues. Your business shouldn't have IT worries or concerns, you need to be able to do the things you specialize in whilst we assist you to grow your business by keeping it rock solid, always online and issue free. We understand that each business is different and because of this we can tailor an affordable solution and become your new favorite IT support company in the process. Talk to us about how our company can assist or even rescue you, IT support and setup are what we do. We are conveniently Melbourne based however we are happy to travel.