Inclusive Classroom

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Inclusive Classroom por Mind Map: Inclusive Classroom

1. Routine

1.1. Developing and conducting a well established, predictable routine so student’s know what to expect and when to expect it.

2. Environment

2.1. Create an environment that values respect and celebrates students’ talents/abilities.

2.2. Develop and post well established rules with consistent and meaningful consequences.

3. Mindset

3.1. Beliefs set the tone, especially the Teacher’s mindset.

3.2. Having a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.

3.3. Everyone can learn.

3.4. Focus on social and emotional learning as well so students feel supported throughout their school day.

3.5. Practice the Universal Design for Learning where all students are educated in an environment that is most conducive to their success.

4. Curriculum

4.1. Make the curriculum accessible to all.

4.2. Focus on student’s interest when planning units/lessons.

4.3. Remove barriers to success by differentiating the instruction, assessment, and the environmental strategies and adapt the task to each student’s ability.

4.4. Consider brain development when planning lessons, assessing, creating the classroom layout, and delivering consequences.

4.5. Ensure that teaching is directed at and reflects the different backgrounds and experiences of all students

5. Rapport

5.1. Develop a positive rapport with students by being respectful.

5.2. Listen attentively and use humor when necessary/appropriate.

5.3. Speak in a calm way even when others are heightened and while dealing with negative behaviors.

5.4. React in a non-reactive way.

5.5. If you see something-say something. Intervene.

5.6. Build rapport and a trusting relationship with students by making them feel safe and valued.

6. Reference:

6.1. Create an Inclusive & Positive Class Climate (Ontario Teachers’ Federation) Create an Inclusive & Positive Class Climate | Teach Special Education

6.2. ABC's of PRIDE: Tips for an inclusive classroom

6.3. Inclusion Inclusion