theories of comunication

comunication theories

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theories of comunication por Mind Map: theories of comunication

1. hypodermic needle theory

1.1. media messages are injected into the brains of a passive audience

1.1.1. Citizens understood the play as people of other planet attacking a place in New Jersey. A large group of population believed the broadcast and the message of alien invasion caused a mass panic to millions of people.

2. Symbolic convergence theory

2.1. people share fantasies and these collection are transformed into a cohesive group

2.1.1. imagine you have a professor who loved bears, her nickname to the class would be "the lady bear". this "fantasy" or shared mining, shared by studetns,therefore, allowing

3. personal influence theory

3.1. explain the importance we give to the media, and that we are ones who decide the importance we give to the information

3.1.1. a facebook page shared a notice that said that aliens are in our planetl, trying to kill humans, one man got really scared and decides to hide in his house during 4 months, until he realized that it was a fake new

4. socio-psychological

4.1. studies individuals in the social context

4.1.1. bryan is the only gay at his school, the rest of the guys are heterosexual, he is everybody's friend, he never tries to firt with them or to hang out , because he knows what they think about homosexual poeple. he just behave like a normal guy

5. Limited effect theory

5.1. is an approach to mass media effects that claims the media have limited effects on their audiences and/or on society

5.1.1. viewers tend to select and interpret media messages in accordance with their existing attitudes and beliefs, and their use of the mass media tends to reinforce these

6. face negociation theory

6.1. Face Management theory acknowledges that individuals are concerned about how others perceive them.

6.1.1. a Korean multinational company starts a branch in America, the American staffs must also learn to follow collectivist culture as their bosses value such cultures. They must learn to save their own face and other’s face too

7. interpersonal deception theory

7.1. explain the manner in which individuals while engaged in face-to-face communication deal with, on the conscious and subconscious levels, actual or perceived deception.

7.1.1. sarah's boyfrend studies in a university really far from the citiy,he talks to sarah very day. one day he invited other girl to hang out, and decides not tell to sarah what they really did, he is going to tell her that she and his friends watched the soccer match together

8. cibernetic theory

8.1. poeple send messages within a system in an effort to control their surronding

8.1.1. camilo moved a small town, where almost all the population are always discousing. one time he leaded an activity, everyone stated to get closer and the comunity decided to be more firendly

9. socio-cultural theory

9.1. this theory stresses the interaction between developing and the culture where they live

9.1.1. a ten-year-old child moved to chine with her family. se used to hug all his friends as a greet, but now that she is in china, she learnt that chinese peple do not like fisic contac, and she needs to get accostumed to that way

10. phenomenological theory

10.1. this theory reffers to how people build their own word and thoughts.

10.1.1. lili"s father always told her that she needed to behave like a girl since she was 6 years old, he always based on what other poeple said. but meanwhile lili was growing up, she realized that she her life owner, and that she is the only one who decides what to do, to think and say to the others.