Computer Hardware & Software

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Computer Hardware & Software por Mind Map: Computer Hardware & Software

1. Software:

1.1. the programs and other operating information used by a computer

1.2. 5 examples

1.2.1. MacOS: system software

1.2.2. Motherboard Drivers: device driver

1.2.3. Embedded System: Firmware

1.2.4. VLC Media Player: Multimedia Player

2. Hardware

2.1. the collection of physical parts of a computer system

2.2. 5 examples

2.2.1. External Hardware: Keyboard

2.2.2. Internal Hardware: CPU

2.2.3. External Hardware: Microphone

2.2.4. Internal Hardware: Modem

2.2.5. External hardware: Printer

3. How do hardware & software work together?

3.1. Hardware and software practically need each other to work. Without hardware you would only have all software and a screen, nothing to hold the device. Without software you would only have the hardware to hold the phone but the screen would be blank because you need some type of operating system. With both hardware and software it will work perfectly like a phone.