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Growing up por Mind Map: Growing up

1. Relationships

1.1. Friends

1.1.1. on weekends - get together

1.1.2. go to the cinema - see latest releases

1.1.3. have (a lot) in common

1.1.4. experience a rewarding friendship

1.2. Teacher/Tutors

1.2.1. get on well with/ (be) on good terms with

1.2.2. approachable

1.3. SIblings

1.3.1. stable upbringing -> there is a close bond between ... and ...

1.3.2. tag along my sister/brother

1.3.3. take sb along

1.3.4. sibling rivalry

1.4. Grandparents

1.4.1. out of touch with (the modern world)

2. Family and early learning

2.1. Family

2.1.1. nuclear/ intermediate family >< extended family

2.1.2. a close-knit family = have a strong family ties

2.2. Similarity

2.2.1. a very clear/ striking resemblance (physical, in appearance) -> bear a striking resemblance

2.2.2. inherit st (temperament, voice, hair ...)

2.2.3. take after

2.2.4. we're alike

2.3. Early learning (preschoolers)

2.3.1. co-ordinate/play with a friend -> manage and resolve conflicts

2.3.2. successful early friendships -> master sophisticated social and emotional skills