Business communication is the process of sharing information between people within and outside a ...

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Business communication is the process of sharing information between people within and outside a company. Effective business communication is how employees and management interact to reach organizational goals. Its purpose is to improve organizational practices and reduce errors. por Mind Map: Business communication is the process of sharing information between people within and outside a company.  Effective business communication is how employees and management interact to reach organizational goals. Its purpose is to improve organizational practices and reduce errors.

1. The importance of business communication also lies in:

1.1. Presenting options/new business ideas

1.2. Executing decisions

1.3. Reaching agreements

1.4. Sending and fulfilling orders

1.5. Making plans and proposals (business writing)

2. Types of Business Communication

2.1. 1. Internal business communication

2.1.1. Upward communication Any communication that comes from a subordinate to a manager. Or from another person up the organizational hierarchy.

2.1.2. Downward communication/Managerial communication Anything that comes from a superior to a subordinate.

2.1.3. Lateral communication/Technical communication Internal or cross-departmental communication between coworkers

2.2. 2. External business communication

2.2.1. 1. Getting and receiving instructions and assignments both upward and downward. This includes an effective delegation from one person to another. Most problems in business begin with unclear communications in this area.

2.2.2. 2. Sharing and discussing information, including information sharing that goes on in meetings. When communication fails in this area, it causes tasks to be done improperly or not at all.

2.2.3. 3. Giving feedback, correction, and discipline to people who report to you so that they can have the knowledge and the tools that they need to do their jobs better. Giving great, actionable feedback is a key skill for anyone in a leadership position. Non-verbal communication and body language also play a role here.

2.2.4. 4. Problem-solving and decision-making meetings and discussions. These are considered among the most important discussions for any organization. This involves higher critical thinking and better communication technology.

3. Methods of Business Communication

3.1. 1) Web-based communication

3.1.1. This includes everyday communication channels like emails and instant messaging applications (such as Slack, Hangouts, or even Nextiva Chat). The benefits of emails and messages lie in the ability to lead private conversations in a busy office environment, as well as sharing a message with many people—from a few to hundreds—all at once.

3.2. 2) Telephone meetings

3.2.1. Phones removed the location barrier to running productive, fast-moving meetings. It allows for better idea exchange thanks to the non-verbal communication (tone of voice) compared to written communication. Cloud phone systems can accelerate onboarding and overall team collaboration.

3.3. 3) Video conferencing

3.3.1. Great video conferencing systems enable people at remote locations to run meetings that feel as close to in-person meetings as possible. They take phone meetings one step up.

3.4. 4) Face-to-face meetings

3.4.1. In-person meetings can help a business move forward with ideas quickly. Research shows that in-person meetings generate more ideas than virtual meetings. However, having a rock-solid meeting agenda is essential for effective meetings. 46% of employees rarely or never leave a meeting knowing what they’re supposed to do next.

3.5. 5) Reports and official documents

3.5.1. Documenting activities that impact other people and departments is a crucial part of a well-oiled business communication system. The ability to refer to a written document at any moment reduces the chance for confusion or disagreement and provides extra clarity in communication.

3.6. 6) Presentations

3.6.1. Presentations supported by reports and PowerPoint slide decks are often how meetings with larger groups are conducted. These are great for sharing new ideas in a way that creates space for questions and any clarifications.

3.7. 7) Forum boards and FAQs

3.7.1. An internal area for employees to refer to frequently asked questions on various departmental topics and to ask new ones that will make them more productive and up-to-date on a matter.

3.8. 8) Surveys

3.8.1. Both internal and customer surveys are an ideal way to gather feedback and ratings on important topics. Surveys facilitate a healthy cycle of feedback-supported improvements and open a communication channel between all levels inside an organization.

3.9. 9) Customer management activities

3.9.1. This can include any customer relations activity. Examples include live chat support, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, customer onboarding process, customer reviews, and more.

4. Problems That Effective Business Communication Can Solve

4.1. 1) Email overload and lack of everyday productivity and clarity

4.1.1. In many workplaces, people are simply overwhelmed with the number of messages they receive in a single day. In his book Message Not Received, Phil Simon said the average person receives 120 to 150 emails per day. We easily misplace or completely overlook a crucial piece of information. With a business communication system in place, companies can reduce digital distractions and create space for ideas and thinking.

4.2. 2) Horizontal and vertical communication silos

4.2.1. Often times, teams and departments don’t exchange essential information. Other times, there’s no easy way of reaching out to a department manager when there’s an issue inside a team. These silos form easily and often without anyone noticing, but can easily be remedied with a communication plan in place.

4.3. 3) Poor communication with remote employees

4.3.1. Remote work is here to stay. The State of Remote Work report from Buffer shows that the vast majority of employees would like to work remotely for at least some of the time. They list collaboration and communication among the top three struggles when it comes to working remotely, proving the value of the right communication systems in place.

4.4. 4) Employee turnover/Low employee engagement

4.4.1. Losing the ideal people from your organization puts your ability to serve customers at risk. It’s also expensive. Losing an employee can cost as much as twice their annual salary, but when companies do communicate effectively, they are 50% more likely to report turnover levels below the industry average.

4.5. 5) Poor customer service

4.5.1. If there’s poor communication in an organization, two things happen when it comes to customer service. First, employees in customer-facing roles won’t have the information they need. Second, customers will sense low employee morale and have a negative experience. In fact, one study found that employee attitude improvement impacts customer satisfaction, which then results in an increase in revenue.