UK's multilingualism

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UK's multilingualism por Mind Map: UK's multilingualism

1. bussines

1.1. Multilingualism provides an opportunity for commerce.

2. academia

2.1. lack of language skills limited researchers in their ability to engage internationally in or with their research,and in their career opportunities.

3. public services

3.1. The importance of responding effectively to language needs for the efficiency, economy and quality of service provision should not be underestimated.

3.2. In some situations,language barriers may challenge the provision of basic human rights, particularly in court procedures in civil and asylum cases.

4. policy

4.1. The involvement of the state with matters of multilingualism operates at various levels. The UK has no overall official policy on multilingualism,although the EU promotes trilingualism:the home language, plus another EU language and a world language.

5. Two thirds of children globally are brought up in bilingual environments.

6. why multilingualism matters

6.1. Two thirds of children globally are brought up in bilingual environments.

7. social communication

7.1. Multilingualism is crucial for intercultural relations.