twilight, dawn, and dusk

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twilight, dawn, and dusk por Mind Map: twilight, dawn, and dusk

1. meaning

1.1. It occurs the moment the disc of sun completely disappears below the western horizon. Technically, "dusk" is the period of twilight between complete darkness and sunrise (or sunset)

1.2. there all times

2. time

2.1. 6:12 AM

2.2. 8:21 PM

2.3. these are some examples but there are many forms of time frames it could fit in

3. morning twilight

3.1. day time

3.1.1. Twilight occurs when Earth's upper atmosphere scatters and reflects sunlight

3.2. am

3.3. there are three types of twylight

3.3.1. civil the brightest

3.3.2. nautical

3.3.3. Astronomical deep colors

3.4. there are also three stages.

4. evening dusk

4.1. pm

4.2. night time