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Being on Mission por Mind Map: Being on Mission

1. 8. Give And Take (Negotiation Principle)

1.1. active Listening

1.2. create Win/Win

2. 9. Focus On Empathy (Coaching Principle)

2.1. Coaching methods/tools

2.2. Increase EQ

2.3. affirm worth/potential

3. 10. Involve and Commit (Leadership Principle)

3.1. Tribal Mapping

3.2. Management Styles

3.3. New node

4. 7. Focus On Relationship Builders (Clienting Principle)

4.1. active deposit

4.2. Emotional Bankaccount

5. 6. Re-Energize Weekly

5.1. FITT Concept

5.2. Re-Charge your Batteries

6. 1. Be Responsible

6.1. Paradigms

6.2. Pro-Activity

6.3. Paradigm Excersises

6.4. Choice, not victim

6.5. I can, not IQ

6.6. Paradigms

7. 2. Clarify Values

7.1. "Whats important to me?"

7.2. GAP-Anaylsis (Coach)

7.3. The Ladder

7.4. Inner search, meditate

8. 3. Have A Vision

8.1. Vision Triangle

8.2. The Vision Finder

8.3. Seeding

8.4. Jim Collins, 3 Circles/Igel-Prinzip

9. 4. Live Your Vision

9.1. "Whats the most important thing for me to do now"

9.2. GAP Analysis (Selbst/Fremdbild)

9.3. Weekly Planing, SMART Goals

9.4. Golden Dozen Whats the most important"-answer

9.5. Reflection on your current state

9.6. being effective

10. 5. Strive For Live Balance

10.1. being effective

10.2. state of 'being on mission'

10.3. private, the things you know you have to do to stay balanced

10.4. Life-Balance Analysis -> go back to 4