Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
FMP por Mind Map: FMP

1. mixing week

1.1. monday

1.1.1. mix sunshine

1.2. Tuesday

1.3. Wednesday

1.4. thursday

1.5. friday

2. research

2.1. mixing




2.1.4. Guitar Tone Secrets: The Dark Side Of The Cone

3. feedback

3.1. survey

3.2. encourage people to listen to it and talk about it

4. equipment

4.1. sm58

4.2. midi keyboard

4.3. electric drum kit

4.4. sound design (whatever else I can find that fits or works with the song)

5. EP tracks

5.1. Sunshine

5.2. torture my body

5.3. gold to me

5.4. black rose

6. recording week

6.1. monday

6.1.1. vocals and guitar for sunshine

6.1.2. drums for sunshine

6.1.3. work out what else could be good added to the track

6.2. tuesday

6.3. Wednesday

6.4. thursday

6.5. friday

7. promotion

7.1. posts of the recording process

7.2. countdownn to release