Decent work and economic growth

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Decent work and economic growth por Mind Map: Decent work and economic growth

1. Reasons for interest in this goal

1.1. Improved living standards: Economic growth leads to improved infrastructure which is most likely to improve people's living standards.

1.2. Conservation of resources: sustainable economic growth means development of the economy while keeping the needs of future generations in mid, which will save resources for upcoming generations.

1.3. Labour motivation: since this goal is about labour productivity, it will enable workers to reach the self-actualisation level in the motivational hierarchy, enabling them to work with their full potential.

1.4. Decent jobs: this goal helps people to secure decent jobs which helps them avoid the unpleasant and undesirable work. This also means that workers will be working in good working environment under good working conditions such as safe workplace and safety gears.

2. Description

2.1. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustained economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

3. How this goal relates upto 6 other SDGs

3.1. Sustainable economic growth relates to goal 9 as the growth will allow the enhancement of infrastructure. This will also bring innovation to production methods and in other industries.

3.2. Goal 11, responsible consumption and production patterns: productivity involved in goal 8 will enable us to make full use of one resource before moving on to the other one, this will allow us to save the resources for upcoming generations and production patterns will be found giving us the maximum output using the minimum input.

3.3. Sustainable cities and communities: economic growth enables better infrastructure in a society which means better roads, safe houses, contingency planning for any natural disaster etc.

3.4. Good health and well being: since goal 8 emphasises on decent work for all and achieving full employment, this improve the living standards of people which will reduce their stress and anxiety levels ensuring a healthier lifestyle than before, both mentally and physically.

3.5. No poverty: achieving full employment under goal 8 will enable every household to find jobs and earn decent wages which may eliminate poverty of every kind.

3.6. Zero hunger: As mentioned earlier, goal 8 is most likely to end poverty of all kind which will allow households to buy enough food for every member, resulting in the end of starvation and end of hunger.