Women and Gender Study Class

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Women and Gender Study Class por Mind Map: Women and Gender Study Class

1. Gender Masculinity

1.1. Gender

1.1.1. It is important to realize that MEN and WOMEN are both important aspects to everything.

1.1.2. Boys may have to work in scary conditions due to gender roles. Since it is seen that women should be doing chores and house hold work and men should be doing other work.

1.1.3. Toxic Masculinity Jessica Amity describes this in a way which is not positive. Toxic Masculinity is know to be describing the masculinity in a way where they are violent, do not have emotions, and are sexually aggressive

1.1.4. I also learned that it is important for EVERYONE to show emotions. A lot of times men showing emotions, they are known to be weak. It should not be portrayed that only women should show emotions.

1.1.5. To be a Man Photography series has taught me a lot. I never really realized what men go through. This has shown me and made me realize that men have these specific gender role. This series has taught me more about what the specific gender roles they had all over the world.

2. Feminism

2.1. Want for All people

2.2. sex and gender are different concepts

2.3. Transnational feminist- can't look at gender from a single view point, also have to look at gender, human rights, races, etc.

3. Sex

3.1. there are 5 characteristics of sex

3.1.1. 1. hormones

3.1.2. 2. chromosomes

3.1.3. 3. secondary sex chromosomes

3.1.4. 4. internal reproductive system

3.1.5. 5. external genitalia

3.2. Gender

3.2.1. This is how YOU see yourself

3.2.2. internally

3.2.3. Gender expression: how you dress, your hair, pronouns, physical space, how body are used

3.3. Sexual Orientation

3.3.1. who you are attracted to

3.3.2. romantic/sexual difference

4. The danger of a single story

4.1. This is a video about people from all over the world that were punished in some way because of who they were

4.1.1. For example, Buj, he was tortured, lynched, and abandoned by his family because he is gay.

4.2. South Sudan

4.2.1. There is a prison for people who are mentally ill to live at.

4.3. Uganda

4.3.1. rise in trans phobia and homophobia "kill the gay" law

4.4. One important aspect that I took away from this video was that society and people can change views.

4.4.1. Africa and the Middle eastern countries are struggling with this.

5. Events Attendance

5.1. Fattitude:

5.1.1. This event was about people who are bigger get treated differently. They are always portrayed in movies as either sexual or funny. One of the mot important aspect I took away from this was how the word fat should not be used in a bad way.

5.2. Surviving Genocide

5.2.1. This was a very important and interesting event. I have never really heard about genocide before. There were two sisters that came in and talked about their life.One of the most shocking things they talked about was that their village went under attack and the sisters lost many family members. They also talked about how they came to the US. It was so cool to see and hear how these two sisters are succeeding in life now.


6.1. SEPO stands for sustainability, education, and progress as one.

6.2. They do projects and help out places/people in Zambia.

6.3. An professor at Oshkosh and her husband started this company.

6.4. Non profit

6.5. Mabumbu area

6.5.1. cooking is for women

6.5.2. 50% live on less than $3 dollars a day

6.5.3. Some project they have done is buildind schools, have secure clean safe water, expand healthcare.

7. Gender Diversity

7.1. There are many different types of gender all over the world.

7.1.1. For example one gender I learned about was about the Hijras. They are neither man or women or both man and women.

7.1.2. There is also a two spirit. This was part of the native american culture.

7.2. There are different genders within different cultures.

7.2.1. For example, in Polynesia, there are many islands with different cultures. So, there may be a gender that is super similar. However, because of culture views, it may also be different.

7.3. Colonization and globalization

7.3.1. I have learned that colonization and globalization had a huge effect on gender. It had an effect because of all the different culture that was passed when colonization and globalization has happened. For example when the European countries moved into countries in Africa and took over, they forced many people on a specific religion/culture.

7.4. Ethnocentrism

7.4.1. belief that one own culure is superior. This can connect also with colonization because a lot of these colonies moving into different countries believe that everyone should have their belief.

8. Sex Verification of Testing Athletes

8.1. try 1: naked parades- walked naked infront of panel of doctors

8.2. try 2: chromosome testing. 1st was Barr body which is only present in xx chromosomes

8.2.1. @nd was the sex gene. which is only in xy chromosomes

8.3. try 3: hormone testing

9. It's only blood

9.1. Saudah

9.1.1. young girl who lives in one of the poorest areas in Ugandan. She has a huge struggle with getting nescassry healthcare aid when she is on her peiord. She has to use old fabric from her clothes to help her not to bleed out. People who live extreme poverty These people have a hard time getting access to important menstrual products. Water is included in this too.

9.2. In this book it also explains how boy treat girls when they get their period.

9.2.1. It talks about how schools do not want them to bring pads to school because the boys might find them a lot of schools do not have access to menstrual products.

9.2.2. girls getting bullied for even being on their period.

9.2.3. Some girls even drop out of school when they get their periods.

9.3. It is often talked about in this book that many women often will shame or dirty when they are on their period.

9.3.1. Girls in some areas have specific rules to follow when they are on their period. Also known as menstrual taboos.

9.3.2. It is also talked about when girls get their periods, they are apart of adulthood.

9.3.3. It is important to teach girls and women about the menstrual cycle, protection, health issues, puberty, gender equality, and sexual abuse.

9.4. Boys and Girls

9.4.1. It is important that both boys and girls develop a better understanding about their bodies and puberty. A lot of children do not have talks about this at home or in school. Many girls are confused and scared when they first get their periods. They are afraid to tell their parents too.

9.5. #happytobleed- this is an campaign where people have the right to have access to products when they are on their period- no matter where they go.

9.5.1. In some areas of the world, the most common menstrual product is girls/women own fabric.

9.6. Access to health care is more harder for women because of the gender and finical reasons. For example, in some areas women do not make as much money as men and so they have a harder time finding health care because of finical reasons.

9.7. Periods

9.7.1. There is a lot of pain that can come when you are on your period One of the most common type of pain for teenage girls is menstrual pain. You can also get headaches and much more.

9.8. Menstrual protection

9.8.1. disposable pads can be an issue in areas where they do not have a good waste product system.

9.8.2. clothes pads or disposable pads This is a very important debate they have.

9.8.3. ZanaAfrica This is an organization where they give out menstrual products to girls and women.

10. Ways I was a Global Citizenship

10.1. A really important thing I did was always being involve politically. For example, voting, at school and for government.

10.2. I have learned information and will keep learning information about the world. This class has really taught me a lot.

10.2.1. With that being said, to be open minded when learning about different parts of the world and cultures.

10.3. I participated at UWO activities. I volunteered at places and went to events.