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Writing an Album por Mind Map: Writing an Album

1. Emotion-First thing any and all songs should have is a strong Emotional pull of any kind! Whether that's... Happy, Sad, Angry, Scared, Sympathetic, Empathetic, Anxious, Depressed and any of those on a deeper more extreme level. Emotion is actually the thing that allows all these topics to event intertwine in music, what gives every song in music their own unique colours and stories, it's what bring the music to life!

2. Mental Health

3. Personal Problems

4. This can actually link in soundly with mental health... Writing about issues that are not only personal to yourself but others too. Even writing about other people entirely. You can do anything with music and something personal is a good way to break the ice to being relatable along with mental health, social issues and religious beliefs. Things such as dealing with death of loved ones, sad/happy love stories, maybe life changing disabilities or diseases you have or people in your family or even anyone.. Writing personally makes it personal to everyone who have been through similar situations.

5. Topics like this are usually listed as the sad, dark and depressing yet beautiful songs depending how you see it in your head but even an angry song can be so powerful and beautiful in it's own right. The other topics can get sad and deep too but this is topic will always get sad and deep for obvious reasons. This is relatable because a huge amount of the population goes through some kind of mental illness on the daily, and the whole word experiences it. Writing about it is a musicians way of talking about it without having to talk about it or getting told to go to a Shrink, Therapist or a Councillor, which are basically all the same thing. It's a way of explaining as best you can how it is for you going through whatever mental illness you suffer with or even what its like watching someone you love go through it, maybe even a stranger. Its probably the hardest subject to write about but the most important if you ask me!

6. Song Themes- These are more important than led on in modern pop music. The theme is the source behind the story about to be told. Having something to say that means SOMETHING has a bigger impact than talking about nothing. Like nowadays "Artists" will either repeat the same love song over and over again or they'll talk about money, but not in a political way, more in the way the tells us that money can buy "happiness" such as things like supercars, mansions, a rolex and even women, but we learned many years ago from the Beatles that money can't buy the important things. Saying something the means something to you and other open minded people is what puts the passion into the music!

7. Melody Always Works- Even the heaviest metal song can fit a strong melody into it, slipknot, system of a down and Atomship proved that, and even the fastest or smoothest flowing rap can hold a melody, Juice Wrld, Eminem and Tupac made that kind of a hard miss. Everybody loves a melody its just a huge part of any song that is remembered if its well written. It's not always used in music but it works in all of it!

8. Sound Dynamics- Messing around with a variety of different sounds and effects, so say on a guitar... using different pedals and switching up settings on all amps, guitars and pedals to find new elements in the tones to create a universal atmospheric vibe the feels right with the depth and key behind each individual song.

9. Varied Structures- A common repeat in music is a formula in structure, and people stick to the formula because it works. But I want to step outside the (verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus) formula and make that work. As many have done in the past, because I think making that sound good gives a song more kick to it, it creates suspense and odd navigation's taking the song to a place nobody has ever heard before and in my opinion originality is what has kept music alive for so long.

10. Social Issues

11. Religion

12. So for social issues that could be anything you see out on the streets, in the media and the truth behind the fat cats running the country and the world for that matter. Even the subliminal messaging we hear everyday on the TV, our phones, iPads etc... Crime rates, Homeless rates, Disease rates, Mental Illness rates, Suicide/Death rates, Bully rates. Corruption in the government and society, all the ignorance you see around you everyday, how people have gone from loving, caring and helping each other to filming a mugging, a stabbing, a person being ripped apart by a tiger and even people being brutally murdered. Writing about how much we have changed but also how little we've changed over the time we've been on this planet. It's important to tell people the truth and letting them know its hiding in society somewhere we're just too blind to see it especially when it hits us SMACK IN THE FACE!

13. Religion has been in music for as long as the existence of music. Being Faithful and Joyous writing about what gives you hope in the after life. People love hope because it's all anyone can have for whats next and then there's the people of no faith or hope looking for all the loop holes and flaws in religion, but you can believe in something and still notice those loopholes. That's why religion is such a big topic because so many people depend on it and so many people trying to destroy it, it's interesting coming from all angles, even conspiracy theorists, people who believe in the possibility of anything and everything, I think that's an important and interesting one because if you think about it all the stories have to come from somewhere. Just thinking about that can spring many strong willed ideas. Different topics, stories, atmospheres and emotions in music is so Dynamic and people love a variation of music!

14. Mixing Genres- Real Dynamics in Music come from experimenting with sounds, Locations and genres. Two good examples would be Queens and Linkin Park!