TEDxMaastricht 2012 - (if you login to Mindmeister, you can edit this mindmap)

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TEDxMaastricht 2012 - (if you login to Mindmeister, you can edit this mindmap) por Mind Map: TEDxMaastricht 2012 - (if you login to Mindmeister, you can edit this mindmap)

1. Session 1

1.1. Jelle Barentsz

1.1.1. Background

1.1.2. Talk MRI imaging of the prostate New communication technologies Combination of the above improve care, reduce painful procedures and save lives.

1.2. Marco van Beers

1.2.1. Background

1.2.2. Talk Necklace with beads that change color based on a blood sample at a given moment in time. In breastcancer treatment positive responses negative responses

1.3. Naveen Jain

1.3.1. Background

1.3.2. Sustainability: create more, not use less

1.3.3. Talk Healthcare: what if you had a device that could make a diagnosis getting a diagnosis in places where there is no doctor Education system problem solution: instead of focus on fixed time + learning --> focus on fixed learning + flexible time Entrepreneurs shall solve the problems of the world ;-)

1.4. Geert Vandewalle

1.4.1. Background

1.4.2. Talk blue assist helping people with intellectual disabilities

1.5. Clarissa Silva

1.5.1. Background

1.5.2. Talk

1.6. Judith Homberg

1.6.1. Background

1.6.2. Talk

1.7. Roni Zeiger

1.7.1. Background

1.7.2. Talk

2. Session 2

2.1. Cathy van Beek

2.1.1. Background

2.1.2. Talk

2.2. Peter Nicks

2.2.1. Background

2.2.2. Talk

2.3. Yori Swart

2.3.1. Background

2.3.2. Talk

2.4. Paul F. Levy

2.4.1. Background

2.4.2. Talk

3. Session 3

3.1. Anke Tijtsma

3.1.1. Background

3.1.2. Talk

3.2. Bart Knols

3.2.1. Background

3.2.2. Talk

3.3. Maria Jansen

3.3.1. Background

3.3.2. Talk

3.4. Michael Evans

3.4.1. Background

3.4.2. Talk

3.5. Paul Grundy

3.5.1. Background

3.5.2. Talk

3.6. Stephen Friend

3.6.1. Background

3.6.2. Talk

3.7. Marcel Joachimsthal

3.7.1. Background

3.7.2. Talk

3.8. Henk Braam

3.8.1. Background

3.8.2. Talk

4. Session 4

4.1. Pedro Monteiro

4.1.1. Background

4.1.2. Talk

4.2. Maarten Lens-Fitzgerald

4.2.1. Background

4.2.2. Talk

4.3. Marion Coster

4.3.1. Background

4.3.2. Talk

4.4. Peter Molyneux

4.4.1. Background

4.4.2. Talk

4.5. Games for health award

4.5.1. Heartville (Jaap Gerretsen)

4.5.2. Daydream (Jan Jonk)

4.5.3. Chain of Foods (Diane Tucker)

4.5.4. Figure Running (Willempje Vrins & Leonieke Verhoog)

4.5.5. Game Domestic Violence (Jan de Werd)

4.6. Janneke Wittekoek & Joop Braakhekke

4.6.1. Background

4.6.2. Talk

4.7. Lucien Engelen

4.7.1. Background

4.7.2. Talk

4.8. Melvin Samson

4.8.1. Background

4.8.2. Talk