Biology and the Human Effect

EDCI 270

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Biology and the Human Effect por Mind Map: Biology and the Human Effect

1. Domestication and Genetically Modified Organisms

1.1. Historic Domestication: Dogs. Maize

1.1.1. Evolution of dogs Explained by Neil deGrasse Tyson - Excerpt - Cosmos A space time Odyssey

1.1.2. Corn Domesticated From Mexican Wild Grass 8,700 Years Ago

1.2. Genetically Modified Organisms

1.2.1. Science and History of GMOs and Other Food Modification Processes

1.2.2. What are GMOs?

1.3. Superbugs: what are they and why are they dangerous?

1.3.1. Superbugs Explained | Ausmed

1.3.2. Superbugs And Antibiotics: How To Prevent Superbug Bacteria | Better | NBC News

2. CRISPR and Genetic Modification of Humans

2.1. Is it ethical to genetically modify human beings?


2.2. What is CRISPR, how does it work?

2.2.1. Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9

2.2.2. What are genome editing and CRISPR-Cas9?

3. Ecology

3.1. Hoosier National Forest: environmental policy, protection, and science presentation by the media

3.1.1. Houston South forest project threatens precious ecosystems in Hoosier National Forest - WFHB

3.1.2. Hoosier National Forest Prescribed Burns Information - InciWeb the Incident Information System

3.1.3. Forest Succession – Duke Forest

3.2. Human-affected climate change and marine life

3.2.1. What is Coral Bleaching and What Causes It - Fight For Our Reef

3.2.2. What is Ocean Acidification?

3.3. Invasive Species: Cane Toads and Burmese Pythons

3.3.1. Cane Toads An Unnatural History 1988

3.4. Burmese Python - Everglades CISMA