5 Tips to Protect Your Mental

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5 Tips to Protect Your Mental por Mind Map: 5 Tips to Protect Your Mental

1. 3. Enjoy your hobbies

1.1. Take time to engage in relaxing activities like reading a book, or doing something creative.

2. 4. Check in with friends and family

2.1. sicial distancing doesn´t mean social.

3. 5. Take a deep breath

3.1. Take a step back and give yourself space to process your feelings

4. 1. Put down the smart phone

4.1. Take breaks from social media the news.

4.2. Give your mind a chace to disconnect.

4.3. Set limits on how long you check the news.

4.4. You can stay informed without getting.

5. 2. Take care of yourself

5.1. Eat weell-balanced meals, get some exercise and get plenty of sleep.