Physical Features of India

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Physical Features of India por Mind Map: Physical Features of India

1. Southern Plateau

1.1. Central Highlands

1.1.1. Malwa Plateau

1.1.2. Chota Nagpur Plateau

1.2. Deccan Plateau

2. Coastal Plains

2.1. The Western Coastal Plains

2.1.1. Gujarat coast

2.1.2. Konkan coast

2.1.3. Malabar Coast

2.2. The Eastern Coastal Plains

2.2.1. Northern Circars

2.2.2. Coramandel Coast

3. Western Desert

3.1. Aravalli Hills

3.2. Indira Gandhi Canal

4. Northern Mountains

4.1. Himalayas

4.1.1. Greater Himalayas

4.1.2. Middle Himalayas

4.1.3. Outer Himalayas

4.2. karakoram

4.3. Purvachal

5. Northern Plains

5.1. Satluj Basin

5.2. Ganga Basin

5.3. Brahmaputra Basin

6. Islands

6.1. Andaman and Nicobar

6.2. Lakshadweep