Abecedarian Assortment of Tips

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Abecedarian Assortment of Tips por Mind Map: Abecedarian  Assortment of Tips

1. Find a good time to meet

1.1. Doodle

1.1.1. Invite

1.1.2. Respond

1.1.3. You then can easily pick a time that works for everyone

2. Zoom

2.1. Mute My Audio

2.1.1. Alt A to mute

2.1.2. On another screen?

2.1.3. Make shortcuts global

3. Make Instructional Videos

3.1. Screencast-O-Matic

3.2. Microsoft Stream

3.2.1. A Private Ensemble "YouTube"

4. Visual Outlining

4.1. Mindmeister

4.2. Why Mind Map?

5. Be More Productive

5.1. Getting Things Done

5.2. Evernote

5.3. The Secret Weapon

6. Office 365

6.1. Microsoft Forms

6.1.1. Branching What is it? How do I do it? Tip Sheet Good overview YouTube Video

7. PDF version of this Mind Map