‘The concept of Web 2.0 is centrally important to understanding new media in the 21st century’ (T...

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‘The concept of Web 2.0 is centrally important to understanding new media in the 21st century’ (Terry Flew). Discuss with reference to specific examples of new media and Web 2.0 culture and technology. por Mind Map: ‘The concept of Web 2.0 is centrally important to understanding new media in the 21st century’ (Terry Flew). Discuss with reference to specific examples of new media and Web 2.0 culture and technology.

1. Web 2.0

1.1. What is Web 2.0?

1.1.1. Tim O'Reilly 2004

1.2. What are Web 2.0 tools?

1.2.1. Flickr Pictures facebook

1.2.2. Webshots

1.2.3. Youtube Videos

1.2.4. 4shared Muisc

1.3. User-generated content

1.4. New node

2. New Media

2.1. 21st Century

2.2. What is 'new media'?

2.3. Terry Flew

3. Examples

4. Web 2.0 Culture

4.1. Social Networking

4.1.1. Facebook

4.1.2. Twitter

4.1.3. myspace

4.1.4. 3d virtual worlds

5. Technology

5.1. things

5.2. processes, methods

5.3. ideas

6. Culture

6.1. media culture

6.1.1. avatars

7. Discuss

7.1. Explain the meaning of something

7.1.1. Explore the meaning logically

7.2. Collaboration

7.2.1. bringing people together

7.3. New node