Network basics and internet - SC

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Network basics and internet - SC por Mind Map: Network basics and internet - SC

1. Definition

1.1. Set of technologies that connects computers

1.2. Allows communication and collaboration between users

2. Types of networks

2.1. Common Network Types

2.1.1. Local Area Network (LAN)

2.1.2. Wide Area Network (WAN)

2.2. Hybrid Network Types

2.2.1. Campus Area Network (CAN)

2.2.2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

2.2.3. Home Area Network (HAN)

2.2.4. Personal Area Network (PAN)

3. How networks are structured

3.1. Server based network

3.1.1. Node is any network device

3.1.2. Servers control what the node accesses

3.1.3. Users gain access by logging in

3.1.4. Nodes and servers share data roles

3.1.5. Servers are used to control access

3.2. Peer to peer networks (P2PN)

3.2.1. All nodes are equal

3.2.2. Nodes access resources on other nodes

3.2.3. Most modern OS allows PSPN

3.2.4. Each node controls its own resources

4. Network

5. Network topologies

5.1. Topology

5.1.1. Logical layout of wires and equipment

5.2. Packets

5.2.1. Pieces of data transmitted over a networks

6. Network media

6.1. Links that connects nodes

6.2. Twisted-pair cabling

6.3. Coaxial cable

6.4. Fiber-optic cable

6.5. Wireless

7. Network Hardware

7.1. Network interface card (NIC)

7.1.1. Network adapter

7.1.2. Connects node to the media

7.2. Network linking devices

7.2.1. Hub

7.2.2. Switch

7.2.3. Bridge

7.2.4. Router

7.2.5. Gateway

8. Major Services

8.1. The World Wide Web (WWW)

8.1.1. Allowed connection of documents

8.1.2. Required a browser to read documents

8.2. Electronic mail (e-mail)

8.2.1. Instantaneous transmission of documents

8.3. News

8.3.1. Electronic discussions on several topics

8.4. File Transfer Protocol

8.4.1. Sends and recieves files

8.5. Peer-to-peer services

8.5.1. Allows sharing of files among users

8.6. Network basics and internet

9. Accessing the Internet

9.1. Internet Service Provider (ISP)

9.1.1. Company that provides Internet acces

9.2. Dial up

9.2.1. Connects to Internet through phone line

9.3. High speed access

9.3.1. Connects through a special line

10. Internet

11. About the internet

11.1. Internet allows accessing resources

11.2. The web simplifies the Internet

11.3. The web connects documents

11.4. Web site is a collection of documents

11.5. HTML- creates web pages

11.6. Browser- reads and translates the HTML

12. Searching the web

12.1. Directories categorize the Internet

12.2. Search engines find sites by keyword

12.3. Search Techniques

12.3.1. Quote the exact phrase

12.3.2. Use the keyword AND, NEAR, OR

12.3.3. Avoid common words