Design Thinker Graduate (Capabilities) Profile

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Design Thinker Graduate (Capabilities) Profile por Mind Map: Design Thinker Graduate (Capabilities) Profile

1. Inquistive

2. Human Centered Research

2.1. Observation

2.1.1. Seeing not Looking

3. Understanding of Skills/Thinking/ Attitudes needed

4. 1. DT Attitudes and Values

4.1. Positive

4.2. Optimistic

4.3. Embrace Change

4.4. Questioning

4.5. Empathetic

4.6. Lateral

4.7. Humorous

5. 3. Thinking Styles

5.1. Concrete

5.2. Abstract

5.3. Synthetic

5.4. Holistic

5.5. Systemmic

5.6. Creative

5.7. Analytic

5.8. Inductive/Deductive

5.9. Abductive

6. 4. D T Skills

6.1. Ideation

6.1.1. Idea Generation Brainstorming

6.2. Prototyping

6.2.1. Modelmaking

6.3. Visualistation

6.4. Communication

6.5. Collaboration

6.6. Insight Generation

6.7. Project Planning and Management

6.8. Evaluation

6.9. Testing

7. 2. DT Knowledge

7.1. Understanding of D T Process

7.2. Undertstanding of D T Rationale

7.3. Case Studies