Lean Canvas for your coaching business, overview [arrow-link with lot of info..]

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Lean Canvas for your coaching business, overview [arrow-link with lot of info..] por Mind Map: Lean Canvas for your coaching business, overview [arrow-link with lot of info..]

1. Problem

1.1. Top 3 problems your genuine customer brings with

2. Have Fun!

3. Revenue Streams

3.1. Revenue Model Lifetime Value Revenue Margins

4. Key Metrics

4.1. What key activities to measure?

5. High-Level Concept

5.1. List your X for Y analogy (e.g. YouTube = Flickr for videos)

6. Channels

6.1. Path to customers

7. Customer segments

7.1. Target customers

7.2. Early adopters

8. Cost Structure

8.1. Acquisition cost Cost for distribution, reach out Technology, hosting, communication People Other

9. Unfair advantage

9.1. Can't be easily copied or bought

10. Unique Value Proposition

10.1. Single, clear and compelling message that states why you are different and worth buying

11. Solution

11.1. Top 3 features