Henry VIII reign

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1. 1513 - Invasion of Northern France

1.1. Battle of the Spurs

1.2. Battle of Flodden

2. 1536- He married to Jane Seymour

2.1. Act of Succession of 1536 made Elizabeth illegitimate and barred Mary from succession.

2.2. Edward VI is born in 1537

3. He would execute every person suspected to disagree with him

3.1. Thomas More did not recognize Henry as the Supreme Head of the Church; consequently, he was beheaded.

4. 1547 - Death of Henry VIII

4.1. Succession of Edward VI as King of England and Ireland.

5. 1509 - Start of Henry's reign after his fahter's death


6.1. After the brief period of rule by Regency Council:

6.1.1. Conciliar Rule from 1509 to 1514

6.1.2. Ministerial Rule (Cardinal Wolsey) from 1514 to 1529

6.1.3. Conciliar Rule from 1529 to 1532

6.1.4. Ministerial Rule (Thomas Cromwell) from 1532 to 1540

6.1.5. Conciliar Rule from 1540 to 1547

7. 1510 - He married to Catherine of Aragon

7.1. Mary I is born in 1516

7.2. 1526 - Cardinal Wolsey tried to convince Pope Clement to allow the king to divorce his wife

7.2.1. Wolsey introduced Court of the Star Chamber to resolve crimes

7.3. Wolsey failed and fell from Henry's grace

8. 1534 - Henry wanted to stand up to the authority of the Church.

8.1. Act of Supremacy: break with Rome embodied

8.1.1. The king became head of the Church in England. Thomas Cromwell made a Church property survey 1536 - Dissolution of monasteries and other religious houses Most of the Church land was given to landowners and merchants

8.1.2. England became politically a Protestant country Protestant Anglican Church REFORMATION

8.1.3. Henry married Anne Boleyn

9. 1533- He divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn

9.1. Thomas Cromwell solve the 'Great Matter' by breaking away from the Church of Rome.

9.1.1. 1534 - Henry properly and definitely breaks from the Roman Church.

9.2. He wanted a male heir and Catherine could not give him one.

9.3. Elizabeth I is born in 1533