Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
Derrick Chu por Mind Map: Derrick Chu

1. Hobbies and Interests

1.1. Microeconomics

1.1.1. challenging yourself

1.1.2. difficult and advanced subject matter

1.1.3. motivated for self learning and improvement

1.2. Basketball

1.2.1. coaching

1.2.2. initiative by organizing scrimmages

1.2.3. fitness, physio, rehab

1.2.4. resilience, passion

1.3. Bread Run

1.3.1. community involvement, initiative

1.3.2. helping the hungry

1.3.3. passion

1.3.4. bring friends along, organisation

1.3.5. commitment, once a week

1.4. Piano

1.4.1. musically talented

1.4.2. dedication

1.4.3. resilience

1.4.4. resilience, faced many challenges

1.4.5. played for 10 years

1.5. Reading

1.5.1. passion

1.5.2. interest in a variety of topics

1.5.3. book club community involvement during pandemic, hosted book club for students at his school continued to take initiative by bringing this school event into his apartment complex, created for neighbors during summer to stay engaged

1.5.4. commitment, 1 hour a day

1.6. Singing

1.6.1. musical abilities

1.6.2. sing and write songs

1.6.3. performances (with friends), many for charity

1.6.4. breaking gender stereotypes

1.6.5. trilingual: French, Chinese, English

1.7. Math

1.7.1. advanced mathematics

1.7.2. math competitions to push your abilities and yourself to the next level

1.7.3. tutoring friends

1.8. Debate

1.8.1. logical thinking

1.8.2. debate competitions to hone your skills and help your school team

1.8.3. open-minded, be able to talk for perspectives you might not agree with

2. Strengths and Weaknesses

2.1. Logical

2.1.1. math

2.1.2. debate MUN

2.2. Optimism

2.2.1. energetic

2.2.2. always sees the positive side of things

2.2.3. help others out, bring a positive and energised spirit/attitude everyday

2.3. Initiative

2.3.1. step up and take responsibility for things because you feel it is your duty to do so

2.3.2. many leadership opportunities taken

2.3.3. collaboration & leadership, frequently bring others along for community service and other events

2.4. Passion

2.4.1. believe in doing something to the fullest ('no do or do with my all' mindset)

2.4.2. can see rewards for your hard work and efforts

2.5. Resilience

2.5.1. challenge yourself often, and as a result come out better because of it.

2.5.2. always keep going in the face of a challenge


3.1. French

3.1.1. love of languages

3.1.2. love of learning

3.1.3. self indentity/roots

3.1.4. Canadian heritage

3.1.5. tri-cultural kid

3.1.6. enjoy investigating connections between French & English

3.2. Math

3.2.1. logical

3.2.2. problem solving skills

3.2.3. growth mindset

3.2.4. facing challenges head on

3.2.5. sense of achievement from hard work

3.2.6. help others learn

3.3. Basketball

3.3.1. teamwork

3.3.2. lead by example

3.3.3. communication

3.3.4. passion

3.3.5. practice makes perfect

3.3.6. goal setting

3.3.7. resilience

3.3.8. school team

3.4. JSA (Junior Student Ambassadors)

3.4.1. initiative

3.4.2. community involvement

3.4.3. make friends with new people

3.4.4. help new students transition to school

3.4.5. ensure CDNIS is a welcoming community, constantly check up with new students

3.5. Model UN

3.5.1. collaboration

3.5.2. fact based logic

3.5.3. solving global problems

3.5.4. working with diverse people and groups

3.5.5. global awareness

3.6. Debate

3.6.1. new perspectives

3.6.2. evidence based arguing

3.6.3. analysis of flaws in argument or logic

3.6.4. thinking under pressure

3.6.5. collaboration, listening, communication

3.7. Scouts

3.7.1. life skills

3.7.2. teamwork and leadership

3.7.3. adventure and trying new things

3.7.4. outdoorsy/recreational activity