3 Valuable Skills You Need To Focus On After College

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3 Valuable Skills You Need To Focus On After College por Mind Map: 3 Valuable Skills You Need To Focus On After College

1. Communication

1.1. Even if you’re not a writer, studying the art of written communication will help you find more success at work.

1.2. Writers turn up every morning and do the work even when they’re not feeling like it

1.3. Practice consistently, rather than waiting for inspiration to tap you on the shoulder and say, “Now it’s time to write.”

2. Mental Health

2.1. Surviving in the working world still demands finding time for switching off and protecting your mental health.

2.2. Learn meditation and practice it

2.3. Try apps like Headspace, Waking Up and One Giant Mind.

2.4. It'll help you find more balance and peace during the working day.

2.5. It'll help you balance stressful days at the office with family commitments

3. Beginner’s Mind

3.1. Don't worry about getting found out.

3.2. If someone says something that you don't understand, say so, and ask them to please explain

3.3. It’s easier to ask questions now then get found out later on.

3.4. Learning doesn’t stop when they hand you a degree.

3.5. Spend time with teachers who can expand your knowledge

3.6. Take online courses to learn new skills