Regulations related to e-Waste Management in Tanzania

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Regulations related to e-Waste Management in Tanzania por Mind Map: Regulations related to e-Waste Management in Tanzania

1. Atomic Energy Act

1.1. Promotes safe use of atomic and nuclear energy

1.1.1. IMPACT: Low as it does not have a direct relationship to e-waste

2. Fair Competition Act

2.1. Promotes effective and fair competition in trade

2.1.1. IMPACT: high as it aims at protecting consumers from unfair market practices and counterfeit products which may be harmful to the environment

3. Occupational Safety & Health Act

3.1. Protects workers and no-workers from health hazards

3.1.1. IMPACT: High as it aims at protect workers' health and ensure safety

4. Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act

4.1. Provides framework for control and regulation for manufacturing, importation and distribution of foods, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics,etc for human consumption.

4.1.1. IMPACT: Low as it does not directly relate to electrical and electronics products and their waste.

5. National Environmental Management Act

5.1. Establishes principles for management, impact and risk assessment, prevention and control of environmental pollution

5.1.1. IMPACT: High as it provides framework for waste management

6. Water Resources Management Act

6.1. Controls management of water resources

6.1.1. IMPACT: Low on e-waste as it does not address e-waste pollution

7. Merchandise Marks Act

7.1. Makes illegal the supply of fake products, unsafe products and those which do not meet specific standards

7.1.1. IMPACT: HIgh as it ensures safetu of consumers and the environment

8. Tanzania Bureau of Standards

8.1. Sets the standards for products and the environment quality

8.1.1. IMPACT: High as the act sets the standards for products including electrical and electronic products

9. Local Government Authoties Acts(Urban and Districts)

9.1. Makes available the management of waste from different human activities in the local authorities

9.1.1. IMPACT: Low as the act is not specific.

10. The Environmental (Solid Waste Management) Act

10.1. Establishes principles for solid waste management

10.1.1. IMPACT: High provides principles for solid waste management of which e-waste is one of them

11. The Environmental (Hazardous Waste Management) Act

11.1. Establishes the principles for hazardous wate management

11.1.1. IMPACT: High as it provides principles for hazardous waste management of which e-waste is one of them if not properly disposed