PWA (Progressive Web App)

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PWA (Progressive Web App) por Mind Map: PWA (Progressive Web App)

1. Lighthouse

1.1. progressive app

1.2. indicators

1.2.1. best practices

1.2.2. acessibility

1.2.3. verifies the pwa

1.2.4. performance

1.2.5. SEO

2. ServiceWorker

2.1. Caching/offline support

2.2. enable other pwa features

2.3. background sync

2.3.1. sync user data in the background

2.4. web push

2.4.1. mobile-like push notifications

2.5. application manifest

2.5.1. allos addition to homescreen

3. Pitzi

3.1. [Não podemos fazer] Validação de Aparelhos

3.1.1. A Tecnologia não permite acesso a alguns itens internos do aparelho.

3.1.2. O processo de validação dos dados do cliente (email, telefone)

3.2. Vendas off-line

3.3. Pitzi Ninja

3.4. App para abertura de sinistros

3.4.1. Fluxo de abertura de sinistros (cliente/vendedor) poderia ser um PWA Não seria algo pesado para se instalar, e em casos de necessidade o cliente poderia acessar com celular de um vizinho / parente / amigo

3.5. Campanhas de Marketing

3.6. O sistema interno (todas as páginas poderiam ser um PWA)

3.6.1. Com isso poderiamos enviar um push notifications para os admin users

3.6.2. poderiamos ter um chat online na própria interface do sistema

4. Installation

4.1. Aplicativo não é instalado

4.2. Aplicativo é um site

5. Push Notification

6. What it is?

6.1. Forma de criar uma página na internet como se fosse um APP nativo

7. Characteristics

7.1. É uma página web que funciona offline

7.2. Progressivo

7.3. Responsivo

7.4. Independente de conectividade

7.5. Semelhante a aplicativos

7.6. Atual

7.7. Seguro

7.8. Descobrível

8. Design responsive

8.1. app/layout should work and look good across devices

9. Geolocation API

9.1. Access User Location

10. Media API

10.1. Access Device Camera and Microphone

11. SPA x PWA

11.1. PWA are not SPA

11.2. you can make your SPA in a PWA also you can turn any other web page in a PWA

11.3. SPA

11.3.1. Powered by Javascript

11.3.2. Highly Reactive (to User Input)

11.3.3. Only one HTML File sent to Browser

11.4. PWA

11.4.1. Uses a lot of javascript (but works without it!)

11.4.2. Aims to have high reactivity

11.4.3. works with multiple files

12. Progressive Enhancement

12.1. A PWA is enhanceable, looking on the examples, from the starting point of legacy, modern and new projects, we can have an overview of the possible evolution of the projects using PWA technology

12.2. Starting Point

12.2.1. Existing (legacy) app Old technologoy, mayb needs to support old Browsers

12.2.2. Existing "modern" app Modern technology, only needs to support modern Browsers

12.2.3. Upcoming Project

12.3. Near Future

12.3.1. Existing (legacy) app) Add Some features

12.3.2. Existing "modern" app Implement some core PWA features

12.3.3. Upcoming Project Fully Implement as PWA right from the Start

12.4. Future

12.4.1. Existing (legacy) app Use multiple PWA Features

12.4.2. Existing "modern" app Completely Convert to PWA

12.4.3. Upcoming Project Complete PWA

13. Topics about PWAs

13.1. Application Manifest

13.2. Service Worker Basics

13.3. Promise & Fetch API

13.4. Service Worker caching (offline access)

13.5. Advanced Caching Strategies

13.6. Caching Dynamic Data with IndexedDB

13.7. Responsive Design

13.8. Background Sync

13.9. Web Push Notifications

13.10. Media API (Camera) & Geolocation

13.11. Automated SW Management

13.12. SPAs & PWAs with your #1 Framework

13.13. Examples

14. Fast deploy

14.1. install google firebase on project

14.1.1. npm install -g firebase-tools

14.1.2. firebase login

14.1.3. firebase install

14.1.4. firebase init

14.1.5. firebase deploy

14.2. to disable site

14.2.1. firebase hosting:disable

15. Documentation

15.1. Working with Promises  |  Web  |  Google Developers
