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Cells por Mind Map: Cells

1. Specialised cells

1.1. carry out particular jobs

2. Red Blood

2.1. long, slender axons carry nerve impulses

3. Nerve

3.1. long, slender axons carry nerve impulses

4. Nerve

4.1. long, slender axons carry nerve impulses

5. Nerve

5.1. long, slender axons carry nerve impulses

6. Root Hair

6.1. tiny hair-like extensions increase surface area for absorption

7. Nerve

7.1. long, slender axons carry nerve impulses

8. Ovum (egg)

8.1. large

8.2. carry food reserve for developing embryo

9. Xylem

9.1. long, thin hollow cells transport water through stem & water

10. structure related to function

11. all living things made of cells

11.1. long, slender axons carry nerve impulses