Knowledge Representation

Mapa de vigilancia tecnológica de la Web Semántica

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Knowledge Representation por Mind Map: Knowledge Representation

1. Knowledge-based Applications

1.1. Knowledge-centered engineering

1.2. Semantic Mashups

2. Semantic User Experience

2.1. Semantic Browsing

2.2. Intelligent User Interface

2.3. Identity

2.4. Context

3. Semantic Content Tools

3.1. Semantic Content Generation

3.2. Semantic Authoring

3.3. Visual Language & Semantics

4. Semantic Collaboration

4.1. Semantic Wikis

4.2. Semantic Content Management

4.3. Collective Knowledge Systems

4.4. Semantic Agent Wikis

5. Semantic Architectures

5.1. Semantic Enterprise Architecture

5.2. Context-aware Services

5.3. Semantic Model-driven Architecture

5.4. Semantic Service-oriented Architecture

5.5. Semantic Interoperability

6. Semantic Enterprise Processes

6.1. Semantic ERP

6.2. Semantic CRM

6.3. Semantic BPM

7. Semantic Ecosystems

7.1. Semantic Cloud Computing

7.2. Knowledge commerce

7.3. Ubiquity

8. Semantic Transport

8.1. Semantic Secutiry

8.2. Semantic Mobility

8.3. Service-oriented knowledge utilities

9. Semantic Storage

9.1. TripleStores and Semantic Object Databases

9.2. Semantic Dataspace Management

9.3. Scalable Semantic Graph Databases

10. Automated Reasonning

10.1. Graphs that query like Databases

10.2. Multiple types of inference

10.3. Logics & extensions

11. Intelligent Systems

11.1. Semantic Agents

11.2. Autonomic products and Services

11.3. Machine learning

12. From Search to Knowing

12.1. Search

12.2. Discovery

12.3. Question answering & reporting

12.4. Analytics & Intelligence

13. Semantic Social Computing

13.1. Semantic Social Network

13.2. Semantic Blog

13.3. Semantic Bookmarking & Tag Clouds

14. Semantic Software Development

14.1. Semantic Application Platforms

14.2. Goal Oriented Software Engineering

14.3. Semantic Multi-agent Systems

14.4. Semantic Social Operating Systems