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Adolescents por Mind Map: Adolescents

1. Relationship with family

1.1. emancipation from the family

1.1.1. teen angst

1.2. generation gap

1.3. difficult parent-child relationships

1.3.1. binge drinking

1.3.2. drugs

1.3.3. dangerous behaviours

2. Identity crisis

2.1. sexual orientation

2.2. interests

2.3. physical appearance

2.4. social media

2.5. conflict with adults

3. Sexual Interest

3.1. Hormons

3.1.1. body changes

3.2. pure pressure on sexual activity

3.2.1. teenage pregnancy

3.3. sexual maturity

3.3.1. emotional maturity

4. Mood Changes

4.1. sleep problems

4.2. hormons

4.3. concentration problems

4.4. depression

5. Future concern

5.1. obligation of making decisions

5.1.1. career path

5.1.2. goals

5.1.3. ambition

5.2. gap year

5.2.1. healthier decisions