Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
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All about me por Mind Map: All about me

1. Favourite dishes

1.1. Salads

1.2. Pasta

1.3. Fish and chips

1.4. Chinesse food

1.5. Kebab

1.6. Mc Donalds

1.7. Croquettes

1.8. Soup

1.9. Beans

1.10. Lasagna

2. Places I´ve been

2.1. London

2.2. Praga

2.3. Túnez

2.4. Dublin

2.5. Paris

3. Summer planing

3.1. Driving test

3.2. English academy

3.3. Conil (Cádiz)

3.4. Stay in Legazpi

3.5. Partying

3.6. Relax

3.7. Sightseeing

4. Movies

4.1. Braveheart

4.2. Blue lagoon

4.3. Memorias de Africa

4.4. A clockwork orange

4.5. El padrino

4.6. La vida es bella

4.7. American Pie

4.8. Seven pounds

4.9. The lord of the rings

5. Music

5.1. Bob Dylan

5.2. Bon Marley

5.3. Janis Joplin

5.4. Tina Turner

5.5. Maná

5.6. Platero y tú

5.7. Estopa

5.8. Elton John

5.9. The beatles

5.10. Led Zeppelin

5.11. Alan Jackson

6. Free time

6.1. Trecking

6.2. Meeting friends

6.3. Sunbathing

6.4. Biking

6.5. Sleeping

6.6. Watching TV

6.7. Cooking