Professional Computing

This is my view on what Professional Computing really is and wahat it has to offer

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Professional Computing por Mind Map: Professional Computing

1. What is it?

1.1. Confidentiality

1.1.1. Respect the confedentiality of employers and clients

1.2. Competence

1.2.1. Do not misrespect your level of competence

1.3. Intellectual Properties rights

1.3.1. Respect copyright of other people's ideas

1.4. Computer Misuse

1.4.1. Use yours and others computer the way it must be used

1.5. Integrity

1.5.1. Behave in a honest, respectful and ethic way

1.6. In the end is about being a GENTLEMAN

2. Why study it?

2.1. The more you are polite with people the more the opposite

2.2. It is a distinctfull mark that it will be considerated in your future emploiment

2.3. The less words you aknoledge today is one more kick in the ass tomorrow. Don Milani. (applicable in this field too)

2.4. You don't want to take Master Owen's courses?! I smell HERESY!!!!

3. How it is important?

3.1. The world of today is heavily influenced by technology in a way that anyone ever imaginated, it is our task to understand how technology work in order to be the ones who control technology and not the other way