Informal Email 💫

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Informal Email 💫 por Mind Map: Informal  Email 💫

1. What is an informal email? 😁

1.1. The informal letter is usually addressed to the recipient or recipient who may be family, friends or close people to whom it writes, who is the sender or sender. In the informal letter, an informal language can be used depending on the trust and type of relationship and communication that one has with the person or people to whom it is addressed and it is due to a personal interest that concerns both parties, although in general It is a language of affection, without elaborate phrases.

2. Features 💕

2.1. -It must be organized with a simple structure. -It must be a short text with concise sentences. -Do not use capital letters as it may sound disrespectful. -Use an informal tone, casual language, good grammar and appropriate vocabulary. -Exclamation marks can be used to express emotion. -You can use contractions, colloquial expressions and compound verbs (phrasal verbs).

3. Example 🙌

3.1. Hi Ian, How are you doing? Thanks for your email. It’s great to hear from you again. Well, I wanted to tell you that I’ve just arrived from my summer camp and it was awesome. I spent 3 almost 3 months in New Jersey and life there is very different to California. I really enjoyed it. I met new people there. The weather was not the best but anyway I had a lot of fun. Why don’t we go there next year? You should talk to your parents about it. We would spend time together and you could teach me how to play soccer. You’re the best at soccer! (Not really) LOL I must go now. Say hello to your family. Take care, Peyton. P.S. I’m sending some pics for you to take a look at them.

4. Structure 🥰

4.1. 1; How to write an informal email in English Informal Greetings (Informal Greetings) Dear (name), ... 2; Introductory paragraph (opening paragraph) Great / Lovely / Good to hear from you (after so long). ... 3; Introducing the topic (Introducing the topic) ... 4; Ending the mail or letter (Ending the email / letter) ... 5; Farewell (say goodbye / say goodbye) ... 6; Your name (Your name)