Integrated Lesson Planning Project

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Integrated Lesson Planning Project por Mind Map: Integrated Lesson Planning Project

1. Source 3- Pictures

1.1. Each lesson will have at least 1-2 visuals for the students to reference to if they are stuck on what they are learning. This is to provide the visual learners with the tools they need to succeed.

2. Source 4- Outdoor Lesson Planning

2.1. This one goes hand-in-hand with source two, as it is the imaging source for the lesson plan provided for blending together erosion and art.

3. Source 5- Dance/Skit Lesson Plan

3.1. This is the template the students will be following for them to understand what my expectations are as the teacher in a successfully made skit. The guidelines and rubric will be printed out and distributed to students on the first day of the project.

4. Source 1- ClassCraft

4.1. ClassCraft is an amazing source when it comes to creative way to teaching diverse learners. It offers a set of seven different ways that diverse learners could integrate with their classmates, and they have all proven to be effective methods!

5. Source 2- STEAM Lesson

5.1. This is the lesson plan for the outdoor activity in lesson two, a really cool/interactive activity that combines the ideas of erosion and art together.