Multiple Intelligences use to Teach Language

This Map reflects the construction of a lesson plan to teach students using Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.

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Multiple Intelligences use to Teach Language por Mind Map: Multiple Intelligences use to Teach  Language

1. Lesson Personal Pronouns

1.1. Multisensory Stimulation to Introduce the Concept

1.2. Worsheet explaning the concept

1.3. Interactive software to engage in applying the concept

1.4. Interactive Activity Quizlet

1.5. Word search activity

2. Gardner's multiple intelligences theories, proposes that we all born with all the intelligence that we need, he proposes 8 different types of intelligences.

2.1. Kinesthetic Logical/mathematical,Linguistic, Spacial. musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and Naturist

3. Marenus, M. (2020). Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences | Simply Psychology. Simplypsychology.Org. Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences | Simply Psychology ‌