Promote gender equality from an early age through education, awareness.

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Promote gender equality from an early age through education, awareness. por Mind Map: Promote gender equality from an early age through education, awareness.

1. education and awarness

1.1. Source:What is Meaning of Education? | Derivation Explained | Information Video

1.1.1. issue with education and awarness Non mixt education source:La non-mixité dans l'enseignement, un atout pour les filles


2.1. Can single-sex schools implement wowen emporing from an early age?

2.2. These definitions have shown us that women, from an early age, even in games, are limited to household chores (dinners) where boys are willing to be ambitious and save the world with superheroes. This conditioning, which takes place from 0 to 7 years of age, follows us all our lives. In addition, at school the girls often have better grades than the boys but don't dare to speak up, to put themselves forward.

3. gender equality

3.1. source: Gender Equality

3.1.1. This videos shows that women are not under represent during college but whithin high responsability jobs Differents jobs source:Why are women paid less than men? | The Economist

4. early age

4.1. source: The Sociology of Early Childhood - Critical Perspectives March 2017 Publisher: SageISBN: 9781446272992 Authors: Norman Gabriel

4.1.1. "early childhood" and "early years" Primary sociology source:Les catégories "filles" et "garçons" disparaissent des catalogues de jouets