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Reliabilty por Mind Map: Reliabilty

1. Internal Consistency

1.1. test quesion is designed to measure a single basic concept, it is reasonable to assume that people who get one item right will be more likely to get other, similar items right.

1.2. New Topic

2. New Topic

3. Human Resource

3.1. Recruitment

3.2. New Topic

3.2.1. New Topic

4. a test refers to the consistency with which it yields the sam rank for people who take the test more than once.

5. Test-Retest

5.1. is a method of estimating reliability that is exactly what its name implies. (Kubiszyn, T., Borich page 323-343)

6. Alternate Forms or Equivalence

6.1. two equivalent forms of a test,these forms can be used to obtain an estimate of the reliabilty of the scores from the test.

7. New Topic