Simple past (Pasado simple)

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Simple past (Pasado simple) por Mind Map: Simple past (Pasado simple)

1. Regular verbs (Verbos regulares)

1.1. Affirmative (Afirmativo)

1.1.1. He stopped the car in time. (El detuvo el coche a tiempo)

1.2. Negative (Negativo)

1.2.1. I not studied for today's exam. (No estudié para el examen de hoy)

1.2.2. They were not encourage him to dance in the disco. (No lo animaron a bailar en la discoteca)

1.3. Question (Pregunta)

1.3.1. Are you played soccer on a field near your home? Yes, I played in field near my house. (¿Jugaste fútbol en un campo cerca de tú casa? Sí, jugué en un campo cerca de mi casa)

1.3.2. Are you stayed with the dog? Yeah, I stayed with the dog. (¿Te has quedado con el perro? Sí, me quedé con el perro)

2. Irregular verbs (Verbos irregulares)

2.1. Affirmative (Afirmativo)

2.1.1. I brought the food last week. (Yo traje la comida la semana pasada)

2.2. Negative (Negativo)

2.2.1. They were not want to saw that movie last night. (No querían ver esa película anoche)

2.2.2. He not found his pet. (No encontró a su mascota)

2.3. Question (Pregunta)

2.3.1. Are you went drank with my cousin last night? I went not drank with your cousin last night. (¿Te fuiste a beber con mi primo anoche? Anoche no fui a beber con tú primo)

2.3.2. Are you swam in open places? Yes, I have swam in open places. (¿Ha nadado en lugares abiertos? Si, he nadado en lugares abiertos)