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MEDIA por Mind Map: MEDIA

1. The changing face of the media

1.1. User-generated content

1.2. Crowdsourcing

1.3. personalised content

1.4. Copyright infringment

1.5. Online piracy

1.6. Eyewitness reports from hotspots

2. Social Media and Politics

2.1. political activism

2.2. immediacy

2.3. connecting with electorate

2.4. encouraging via social media

2.5. new ways to reach out

3. Media in the twentieth Century

3.1. Television

3.2. Radio

3.3. Newspaper

3.3.1. Broadsheets

3.3.2. Tabloids

3.4. Entertainment

3.5. Development

3.6. Digital and Online News Sources

4. Advertising

4.1. transmedia storytelling

4.2. digital footprint

4.3. viral marketing

4.4. infotisement

4.5. advertainment

4.6. product placement