Recreational snowmobilers which destroy ecosystem and harrass animals as they ride thorugh the wi...

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Recreational snowmobilers which destroy ecosystem and harrass animals as they ride thorugh the wilderness should be banned from Yellowstone National Park. por Mind Map: Recreational snowmobilers which destroy ecosystem and harrass animals as they ride thorugh the wilderness should be banned from Yellowstone National Park.

1. They cause air pollution which puts employees and its visitors' health at risk.

2. They are noisy, disturbing the peace and quiet that park visitors have a right to expect.

3. The newer ones causes less air and noise pollution, but due to finance, it is unlikely to be common usage.

4. Funds that should be used to preserve Yellowstone National Park and its wildlife have been diverted to deal with the snowmobile issue.

5. Although most snowmobilers remain law-abiding, a disturbing number of joyriders violate speed limits, pursue animals, etc.

6. Park service should not only provide access to the park but also preserve the park's pristine natural resources for future generations.

7. As the Yellowstone offers so many winter trails, there is no need to allow snow-mobiles in the park itself.