
Neuroplasticity and SLA

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Neuroplasticity por Mind Map: Neuroplasticity

1. Stands for:

1.1. The ability of the brain to adapt, learn and recover by connecting neurons producing important changes of reorganization and adjustment throughout life.

2. Etymology:

2.1. The term was originally introduced by Ernesto Lugaro in 1906. Neuro stands for Nervous System, Plasticity comes from ''plastos'', greek term that means ''moldeable''.Therefore, Neuroplasticity means: Moldeable Brain.

3. Role in SLA:

3.1. The evidence uncovered suggests that learning and using multiple languages induces changes in brain anatomy including functional neural patterns. These changes can occur rapidly and regardless of age. Source:

4. I have learned a lot, starting from the etymology and going through the processes that involves and finally the application of this to the educational side of acquisition of a second language. Everything about this topic was new for me. I realized how important is for us, future teachers, to know about these kinds of processes that take place in our brain in order to have an accurate understanding of the relation between SLA and how Neuroplasticity works with it.