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1. Origin

1.1. The idea that the brain and its function are not fixed throughout adulthood was proposed in 1890 by William James in The Principles of Psychology, though the idea was largely neglected.

2. Research and discovery

2.1. In 1923, Karl Lashley conducted experiments on rhesus monkeys that demonstrated changes in neuronal pathways, which he concluded were evidence of plasticity.

2.2. Despite this, and other research that suggested plasticity took place, neuroscientists did not widely accept the idea of neuroplasticity.

3. Structural neuroplasticity

3.1. is often understood as the brain's ability to change its neuronal connections. New neurons are constantly produced and integrated into the central nervous system throughout the life span based on this type of neuroplasticity.

4. Functional neuroplasticity

4.1. Functional plasticity refers to brain's ability to alter and adapt the functional properties of neurons.

5. Neuroplasticity etymology

5.1. NEURO = NERVOUS SYSTEM PLASTICITY = PLASTOS = MOLDABLE Which together Neuroplasticity means a moldable brain.

6. The first person to use the term neural plasticity appears to have been the Polish neuroscientist Jerzy Konorski.

7. Neuroplasticity and SLA

7.1. The beneficial effect of multilingualism on people's behavior and cognition is well-known nowadays.

7.2. Numerous studies have shown that people who study more than one language have better cognitive functions and flexibilities than people who only speak one language.

8. In early child development

8.1. Neuroplasticity is most active in childhood as a part of normal human development, and can also be seen as an especially important mechanism for children in terms of risk and resiliency.

9. Neuroplasticity stands for

9.1. Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity, or brain plasticity, is the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization.