Method, Methodology, Language teaching, First, and Second Language acquisition theories / Theorie...

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Method, Methodology, Language teaching, First, and Second Language acquisition theories / Theories of Language acquisition in relation to beginning reading instruction por Mind Map: Method, Methodology, Language teaching, First, and Second Language acquisition theories / Theories of Language acquisition in relation to beginning reading instruction

1. Atheoretical Studies

1.1. McCarthy's

1.1.1. child language appears to drift

1.1.2. traditional grammars.

1.1.3. formulate and test fruitful hypotheses.

2. Behavioristic Theories

2.1. Skinner

2.1.1. operant conditioning.

2.1.2. Language is a mentalistic phenomenon.

2.2. Chomsky’s

2.2.1. language use is essentially creative.

3. Nativist Theories

3.1. Lenneberg (1967)

3.1.1. innate hyphotesis

3.1.2. knowledge of language universals

3.2. McNeill

3.2.1. evaluation instrument

4. The neobehaviorism theory

4.1. Skinner

4.1.1. Respondent conditioning

4.1.2. operant behavior

4.1.3. programed instruction

5. The humanistic psychology theory

5.1. Carl Rogers

5.1.1. effective operations

5.1.2. client-centered therapy

6. Cognitive approach

6.1. Lois Bloom / Jean Piaget

6.1.1. Thought

6.1.2. Emotion

6.1.3. Meaning

6.1.4. Perception

6.1.5. Memory

7. The classical behaviorism theory

7.1. Ivan Pavlov

7.1.1. classical conditionning

7.2. John. B Watson

7.2.1. stimulus-response connections

8. The cognitive learning theory

8.1. David Ausubel

8.1.1. learn by means

8.1.2. signal, simbols, ideas and notions.

8.2. Frank Smith

8.2.1. needs, goals, aspirations and motivations.