God's Purpose for the Earth

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God's Purpose for the Earth por Mind Map: God's Purpose for the Earth

1. 1. What was God's Original Purpose?

1.1. Isaiah 45:18 - God did not make the earth for nothing ("to be a desolate waste"). He made it to be inhabited.

1.2. Psalm 115:16 - Heaven belongs to God alone. He gave the earth to humans.

1.3. Gen. 1:28 - God told Adam/Eve to have children, expand to live all over the earth, and take care of his creation.

2. 2. The Setback in the Garden of Eden.

2.1. Gen. 2:15-17 - God told Adam/Eve if they ate from the tree of knowledge their lives would become hard and they would die.

2.2. Romans 5:12 - Death entered the world through the sin of one man: Adam. So, if Adam had never sinned, he would still be alive today on the earth.

3. 3. Has God's purpose for the earth changed?

3.1. Psalm 37:11,34 - Righteous people will enjoy peace on earth after God removes unrighteous people.

3.2. Rev. 21:3,4 - God will be with humans (in a figurative sense, since no man can see God and live (see Exodus 33:20)). He will remove death, grief and pain.

3.3. Psalm 37:29 - The righteous will live on earth forever.

4. 4. If God's purpose has not changed, and he promises that righteous humans will live on a peaceful earth forever, what happens when we die?

4.1. For discussion next week.