Architecture of computer

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Architecture of computer por Mind Map: Architecture of computer

1. Software

1.1. Operating systems

1.1.1. Microsoft Windows

1.1.2. Linux

1.1.3. Mac

1.1.4. MSDOS

1.2. Apps and proggrams

1.2.1. Browsers

1.2.2. Apps for documents

1.2.3. Apps for social network

1.2.4. Games

2. Hardware

2.1. Input devices

2.1.1. Scanner

2.1.2. Keyboard

2.1.3. Mouse

2.1.4. Microphone

2.1.5. Graphic tablet

2.1.6. Touchpad

2.2. Output devices

2.2.1. Monitor

2.2.2. Dynamics

2.2.3. Headphones

2.2.4. Printer

2.2.5. Projector

3. Types

3.1. By bit depth of interfaces and machine words

3.1.1. 128 bit

3.1.2. 64 bit

3.1.3. 32 bit

3.1.4. 16 bit

3.1.5. 8 bit

3.2. By the features of the set of registers, the format of commands and data

3.2.1. CISC

3.2.2. RISC

3.2.3. VLIW

3.3. By the number of CPUs

3.3.1. superscalar

3.3.2. single-processor

3.3.3. multiprocessor distributed massively parallel (MPP) symmetric multiprocessor (SMP)